Section Teams

The ALAMN Section Teams are forums of legal administrators that meet regularly to discuss topics related to their position or size of firm. Each group also has an e-list available in order to provide another avenue to communicate. If you are interested in participating in one of the groups you can contact the chair.

Small and Medium - Offers a dynamic environment for administrators of firms with fewer than 75 lawyers. An invaluable email distribution list provides members a platform for tapping the vast and varying experiences and vibrant intellect of administrators in similar firm settings. These meetings offer myriad speakers presenting information on all areas of firm management including facilities, human resources, information technology, finance, and strategic planning. Last, but definitely not least, there are a plethora of opportunities for networking with administrators and business partners.  (Chairs: Jeff Downes and Tracy Smith)

Large Firm Chief Officers - Provides a forum for principal administrators of law firms with 75 or more lawyers to discuss issues relevant to large firms. From time to time, the group invites guest speakers to present on areas of interest, sometimes in collaboration with other special interest groups. (Chair: Abby Rooney)

Human Resources - Provides a forum for law firm administrators and human resources professionals to discuss various human resources and law firm management topics.  Meetings are held quarterly over the lunch hour and are hosted by member law firms.  We strive to provide our members with valuable tools and resources for job enrichment and education.  We routinely invite ALAMN sponsors and other industry professionals to speak on topics such as current events, legal and legislative updates and leadership/management.  Our meetings are fun, informative and provide a great opportunity for networking and sharing of ideas with other ALAMN professionals. Committee members also benefit through an invaluable email distribution list.  This list is used to exchange information and ask questions of other Committee members. (Chair: Teresa Reiner)

Branch Office - Provides a forum for administrators that hold leadership roles at a local level as a part of a larger national or international firm. Meetings are typically roundtable discussions and take place quarterly over the lunch hour. (Chairs: Jessica Johnson and Samantha Tschida)

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