Members say they find no better resource for professional development, continuing education opportunities, guidance in technology issues, personal motivation, and professional support than the Association of Legal Administrators Minnesota. It is the members themselves that make ALAMN such an invaluable resource. We invite your active participation in this dynamic association.

Latest News

ALAMN 34th Annual Conference

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Registration is NOW OPEN!

Individual Registration

Business Partner Registration

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024

Time: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Location: Hilton Minneapolis, 1001 S Marquette Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403

Take a peak at the plan for the day:
8:00am - 8:45am                     Registration and Breakfast
8:45am - 9:00am                     Opening Remarks
9:00am - 10:00am                   Keynote: Liz Murray - "Homeless to Harvard" 
10:00am - 11:30am                 Business Partner Exhibit Time
11:30am - 12:30 pm                Breakout Sessions

  • Prompt Engineering 101 - Step-by-step on Using AI to Improve Your Productivity & Efficiency- Presented by Spencer Smith, AmpliPhi
  • New Minnesota Employment Laws- Presented by Penny Phillips, Felhaber Larson
  • Mental Health- Presented by Joan Bibelhausen, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers
  • Succession Planning for Legal Professionals- Presented by Danielle Davis Roe, Affinity Consulting

12:30pm - 1:00 pm                Lunch
1:00pm - 2:00 pm                  Keynote: Jason Matheson
2:00pm - 3:00pm                   Business Partner Exhibit Time
3:00pm - 4:00pm                   Breakout Sessions

  • 12 AI Tools You Need to Know- Presented by Spencer Smith, AmpliPhi
  • Succeeding in a Traditionally Non-Diverse Industry and Improving Diversity at Firms- Presented by Shayla Reaves, WCCO-TV Anchor and Author
  • Don't Be Accidentally Successful! How to Track, Understand and USE Core Financials and Productivity Reports- Presented by Steve Best, Affinity Consulting
  • Enough Old Hat! Freshen up Your Approach, Deliver Greater Value to Your Firm and Advance your Career- Presented by Kim Ess, Nilan Johnson Lewis

4:00pm - 4:45pm                     Community Service Event  (Personal Care Bags!)
4:45pm - 6:00pm                     Happy Hour + Prizes

Community Service at the Education Conference!

Click here to learn more about this year's community service project at the Annual Conference.


2024-2025 Scholarship Opportunities Announcement

The Application and Nomination Scholarships provide ALAMN Regular Members the opportunity to attend ALA conferences (as outlined in each section below) where they can experience an amazing selection of education sessions, meet other ALA Association members from around the world, and have access to ALA business partners from around the country, all in one venue.

To be considered for the First Time Attendee ALAMN Conference Scholarship, you must applyApplications must be received no later than October 15, 2024.

Applications will be reviewed by the ALAMN Board of Directors and will remain confidential. Each winner will have seven days to accept the Scholarship. Click HERE for more scholarship information and guidelines.

The ALAMN Board of Directors is pleased to announce the following Scholarship opportunities:

 ALAMN First Time Attendee Scholarship - $1,800

Regular members who have never attended a Business of Law or National ALA Conference are eligible for this scholarship drawing. The winner is required to attend one Service Team meeting and a minimum of one ALAMN community service events during the year the scholarship was awarded and used. Please notify the Administrative Director once you complete your requirement (2024/25 Administrative Director: Rebecca Doyle [email protected]). You must also attend Conference and Chapter events occurring during the Conference.

Click here for the First Time Attendee APPLICATION FORM

ALAMN Opportunity Scholarship – Includes Conference Registration, Hotel and Airfare!!

Regular members who do not have employer funds available to them to attend a conference are eligible to enter the drawing for this scholarship. The winner is required to attend one Service Team meeting and a minimum of one ALAMN community service events during the year the scholarship was awarded and used. Please notify the Administrative Director once you complete your requirement. (2024/25 Administrative Director: Rebecca Doyle [email protected]).  You must also attend Conference and Chapter events occurring during the Conference. One Opportunity Scholarship is awarded per year to a regular member who does not have funds available to support attendance at any ALA Conference. An application must be completed. This scholarship covers early-bird conference registration, lodging expenses during the official travel/conference period and round-trip coach airfare which is required to be booked at least 45 days prior to the start of the meeting with the most cost-effective tickets, regardless of carrier preference. The Opportunity Scholarship is awarded to an ALAMN member only one time.


2024 - 2025 Board of Directors

The following slate has officially been APPROVED and the Nominating Committee is happy to announce the Board of Directors for 2024 – 2025.

President Vanessa Kahn
Past President Deb O'Connor
President-Elect Bernie Theis
Communications Director Jessica Johnson
Membership Director Gayle Hildahl
Education Director Kim Motzko
Administrative Director Rebecca Doyle
Finance Director Suzette Allaire


 ALAMN DEIA Virtual Career Fair with Metro State University

Toward the goal of continued improvements in the diversification of our legal industry workforce, on January 23, 2024, ALAMN members Bernie Theis, Zhakalasky Carrion, Rebecca Doyle and Joey Monson spoke at a virtual presentation to Professor Loi Nguyen’s Metro State University students. The speakers provided information on their real-life legal career paths, the various components of compensation, and tried and true salary negotiation tips. The Metro State students were engaging and submitted inquisitive questions which the speakers responded to during the Q&A session at the end of their presentation. The ALAMN DEIA Team extends a hearty thank you to each of our speakers and a huge shout out to Bernie Theis for being the catalyst behind this successful maiden voyage into ALAMN DEIA Team’s virtual career presentation. The DEIA Team plans on doing several more virtual presentations in 2024 to college and, potentially, high school students.  

Check out ALAMN's Latest Article in Minnesota Lawyer

CLICK HERE to read the article, "The Best Leadership Lessons I Learned from My Mom" by Laura J. Broomell, CLM which was recently published in Minnesota Lawyer.

2024 Business Partner Sponsorship Program

The ALAMN 2024 Business Partner Sponsorship Program is OPEN!

2023 Unsung Legal Hero: ALAMN

The ALAMN Board is pleased to share that the ALAMN Chapter has been selected as an 2023 Unsung Legal Hero by Minnesota Lawyer.
This award is given to professionals in the legal industry who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and contribution to the legal field, but do not often receive public recognition for their work. Thank you to all of the current and past volunteers for your exceptional work ethic and dedication to elevating the legal administration profession for all!


 ALAMN is a proud recipient of ALA's 2024 Presidents' Award of Excellence!

Our business address is:
5775 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 700
St. Louis Park, MN 55416